Who are we?

The Új Média Kft. is the publisher of the most popular traffic magazines in Hungary. We have been providing our readers with detailed truck driving restrictions data since 2001. Our aim is to provide truck and bus drivers all over Europe with reliable truck ban information. Our goal is to help you comply with the law in all European countries.

Would you like to see more than the next truck ban day? Join our members! Create an account and you can reach the full list. You can also search for different countries and you can get some more detailed information. We do our best to collect the precise data for you. We also provide information if there is changes during the year. We send changes to your e-mail address, if you want.

Reliable data of the EU truck driving restrictions periods

Dear Visitor,

Be welcome on mosthelp.net! Thanks for visiting our website. We hope you will find the information you are looking for.
But I am sure You have a lot of questions. Well, let me answer some of them.
Who is the owner of the website?
The Új Média Ltd. is the publisher of the most popular traffic magazines in Hungary. These are monthly periodic magazines for companies and  entrepreneurs on the field of goods transport and bus passenger transport. 
We have been providing our readers with detailed truck driving restrictions data since 2001. Our data now is available in English as well. Our aim is to provide truck and bus drivers all over Europe with reliable truck ban information. 
What can I find on the website?
You can see the next day when there is any driving restriction in any European countries. This is free for everyone. 
How can I see more days?
Would you like to see more than the next truck ban day? Join our members! Create an account and you can reach the full list. You can also search for different countries and you can get some more detailed information.
Why shall I choose mosthelp.net?
We do our best to collect the up-to-date information to our members. You know there are often deviation from plan. So we do not only publish the yearly planned truck ban periods and conditions. We regularly collect information about any changes. We let you know about these changes also in e-mail message if you accept our privacy policy and agree to get e-mails from us. 
So we are doing our best to share up-to-date truck driving restriction periods with you. Our goal is to help you comply with the law in all European countries.
Tamás Tóth
General Manager